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Labor Day

Welcome back SoMer. I hope you are going to celebrate Labor Day in a safe "stay at home" and "wear a mask" way. This week we are not doing a specific state, instead we are going to share with you about some Labor murders.

Amber's story:

The Chicago Outfit in the 1970s was pretty big and had its hands all over Chicago. So, when Teamster Union official Billy Logan is shot and murdered outside of his home, witnesses stated it was mob assassin Harry Aleman, who did the killing. Now the prosecution thought this was a slam dunk case as they had an eye witness who was willing to testify that it was Harry who did the killing. However they didn't take into account the long reach and what the Outfit was willing to do to make sure Harry was found innocent.

Amber's resources:

Celina's story:

When you think of tough, hard, unsafe jobs, something that for sure comes to mind is working in a coal mine. When Jock Yablonski decided to run for president of his local union. He wanted to make mining safer for his fellow workers. He didn't like how Tony Boyle was siding with the company and not with the workers and he wanted to make some much needed reforms. When "Tough" Tony won the election many started thinking that it was corrupt, so Jock requested that it be looked into. This however would lead to a hit squad coming into his home and killing his daughter, wife and Jock. Everyone was quick to point the finger at Tony as he was the only one that had a grudge against Jock.

Celina's resources:


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