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Colorado: Golden and Denver

Welcome back to the SoM Blog. We hope that everyone is being safe and healthy during these difficult times. As we are all going stir crazy during this shelter in place, we hope that you are enjoying listening to our podcast. This week we are traveling to the Centennial State, Colorado.

Amber's story:

This week I will be sharing about William Lee Neal, also known as Wild Bill Cody. Now don't confuse him with Buffalo Bill Cody, who was well known from the Wild West. William Lee Neal, who for the podcast, I decided to go with his changed name and called him Cody. According to his ex-wife Karen, he was sweet, bubbly and very charming. However he could flip a switch and become a totally different person. Over a week in July 1998, Cody would end up killing three woman, and kidnapping and raping another. He has been dubbed by many as a Serial Killer, however I questioned this in the podcast as he didn't fit the definition. According to the FBI, a Serial Killer is someone who commits at least three murders over more than a month with an emotional cooling off period. I have identified him as a spree killer, which is defined as a person who commits two or more murders without a cooling off period. Now, Cody has boasted that he has killed more, so maybe he does fit but I will let you decide.

Amber's Sources:

William Lee Neal, Psychology Department at Radford University

Murderpedia- William Lee Neal

Love me to Death by Steve Jackson

Celina's story:

When Theodore Coneys was a child he was in very poor health and doctors told his mom that he wouldn't live passed his 18th birthday. So he didn't attend school and wasn't prepared for living past his teenage years. However Coneys proved the doctors wrong and lived well past his life expectancy. Seeing as he didn't expect to live long he struggled as an adult with being homeless. Coneys solved this problem by sneaking into the home of Philip Peters and his wife and living in their small attic, unbeknownst to the Peters. However, Coneys was caught by Mr. Peters, which lead to murder.

The episode of CSI that Celina mentioned that was similar to the Denver Spider man was Season 2, Episode 19, "Stalker". I am sure you can find the episode on any streaming site.

Celina shared that the murder weapon that was used was an iron stove shaker. Now we aren't really sure what that is and when looking it up it showed a large stove. Now seeing as that beating a person with a stove is highly unlikely, we both thought that this is what they were talking about. I said I would ask my parents what they thought it was and they said that it helps shake the ashes left by the wood down into the bottom.


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