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Missouri: Skidmore and Macks Creek

Welcome back SoM family. This week we are in Missouri and Celina shares about missing women around the area of Macks Creek. To find out more about these women go to Sadly there are numbers of missing women all over the United States that need their stories told.

Amber's Story:

Everyone knows of our has experience with a bully. For the whole entire town of Skidmore Missouri, one man was their bully for over 40 years. Ken McElroy started stealing at a pretty young age and just kept getting into more trouble as he got older. He had a penchant for young girls and to make money he would steal grain and livestock from the local farmers. It seemed that if you even looked at him wrong you would be on his radar. When he singled you out he would stalk and start the harassment. The phone calls threatening to hurt or kill family, parking outside of peoples work and homes. He even would shoot his gun in the air outside of their houses. The local law enforcement struggled to get him convicted for any crime. You see McElroy understood if you got rid of the witness there wouldn't be a case. What was the town to do about this man? Listen in to find out.

Amber's resources:

In Broad Daylight by Harry Maclean

Celina's story:

Trudy Darby was closing up at her job one night at the local convenience store, when she noticed three guys loitering outside. Nervous to leave on her own, she called her son to come and help her. When he arrived 10 minutes later she was gone. After her body was found it would take two years to find her killers. That only happened because Rush seemed to share with a number of people that he took part in the murder. Rush was 17 when he confessed, when he got to prison he kept talking a writing about what he did. This lead police to believe that Rush, his brother and another unidentified guy had been taking other women around the area. Could this be true?

Celina's resources:


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