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Montana: Missoula and Glacier National Park

Amber's Story:

Native Americans make up 7% of the population in Montana, however they make up 26% of the homicides. There is no accounting for this disproportionality and many times crimes against Native Americans and indigenous populations are severely underreported and investigated. Amber this week is sharing about two underreported cases.

Lonette Keehner, a member of the Blackfeet nation was murdered while she was diligently doing her job. Lonette worked at the local Super 8 Motel in Missoula, and had worked there for over 21 years. As Lonette was cleaning one room a couple entered the room and demanded that she give them the keys to her car. This pair of white supremacists, high on methamphetamines, stabbed Lonette and took her car to Idaho, where they were quickly apprehended.

Hanna Harris, was 21 years old on July 3, 2013, when just like many other people her age she decided to celebrate the holiday with some friends. When she didn't come home to her 10 month old daughter, her family became worried and reported her missing to the Indian Bureau of Affairs. Due to the holiday weekend and the police not sure if she was really missing there was a slow response in looking for her. It would take four days to locate her body and due to the decomposition of her body cause of death was not able to be determined. It would take 8 months and the killer confessing to her family to be arrested.

Amber's Resources

Celina's Story:

Jordan Graham shared with her friends before she got married that she had a lot of reservations about marrying Cody Johnson. Cody's friends also didn't think he should marry Jordan. However the day of their wedding arrived and Jordan walked down the isle and married Cody anyway. 8 days later Cody went missing and Jordan's response was not what people expected. Jordan would end up leading her friends right to the body when they started searching Glacier National Park. Police were quickly able to prove that Jordan had something to do with Cody's death.

Celina's Resources

I don't care what anybody else says. Brad Pitt in the movie Legends of the Fall is the hottest man on the planet. This movie made me want to move to Montana and find a Tristan of my very own. I bought every movie poster of Brad Pitt that I could find. He was all over my walls in high school and I had no shame and even put them up in my dorm room. My love for Brad over the years has maybe slightly dimmed. I don't have to see every movie that he is in anymore however, when I am feeling nostalgic for a different time, I just put on Legends of the Fall and I feel like I am 16 again.


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