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New Mexico: Albuquerque 2x

Hello SoM family, welcome back to our blog. This week we have traveled to New Mexico.

Amber's Story

This week when researching for New Mexico, I found a murder that hit close to home for me, so I choose to share about the Hollywood Video Murders. This was interesting to me because I worked at a Hollywood Video in 1998 in Lincoln, NE. These murders were talked about two years later even in a different state. On March 2, 1996, Jowanda Castillo, Zachary Blacklock and Mylinh Daothi were closing up for the night, when two people entered the store and wait around for all the other customers to leave. After the final customer had rented his movie for the night, those two people would rob the Hollywood video, leaving the three employees dead and kidnapping two others. These events left the community stunned and enraged at who could have committed this crime. It would take the community raising $100,000 and an ex-boyfriend of one of the murderers to find out what had happened.


A decade later, Hollywood Video slayings still haunt families, survivors.

Affidavit: Suspects Argued over who should kill couple

State v. Harrison

Celina's Story

On a hot July day in 1987, Cindy Ray was excited to go to her doctor's appointment because she was two weeks away from giving birth and that day was the day that she was going to get to hear her child's heartbeat. Cindy arrived at her appointment and after she left her doctor's office she was never seen alive again. Another woman, Darci Pierce, would arrive at the doctor's office as she she was also "near" her due date. Darci wanted to have a child and she would do unspeakable things to get one. Follow along while Celina shares what happens to these two women and discussing mental health and childhood trauma.

Desperate for a Child: On a muggy summer day, Darci Pierce decided she would kill to for a baby. By Jim Carrier

Associated Press: Family finds the goodness after horrible birth, a 'miracle' birth

Darci Pierce and the murder of Cindy Ray by: Charles Montaldo

Probation and parole bill tops list of vetoed measures by: Robert Nott


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