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North Dakota: Turtle Lake and Wahpeton

Amber's story:

When you look up the town of Turtle Lake in North Dakota, the one thing that is always mentioned is the Murdered Family. It is to this day North Dakota's largest mass killing and people continue to talk about it 100 years after it occurred.

On a windy wet day in April 1920, the Wolf family's neighbor noticed something odd, while driving by. The Wolf's had left their laundry out for multiple days to dry on the clothes line. Now this might not be that weird for some but you see it had been raining and he knew that they wouldn't just leave them out there to get ruined. So being a good neighbor he went to investigate what was going on. What he found was 8 bodies, all but one of the Wolf family had been murdered, along with their hired farm hand. The only one left alive was an 8 month old little girl. The small community was up in arms at who could have possibly committed such a horrible crime.

The sheriff even invited help from the investigators from Bismark. The sheriff had a feeling that who ever did this would insert himself into the investigation and it didn't take long for one man to start coming around and acting in an unusual manner.

Celina's story:

Andrew Sadek's parents had no idea what was going on in Andrew's life prior to his disappearance. Andrew had been caught selling marijuana to an informant. He had a choice to make either go to prison for up to 40 years in prison. Mind you that he sold very small amounts and when they searched his dorm room they didn't find drugs they only found some paraphernalia. The other option was becoming a confidential informant . Andrew decided to become the CI, however he didn't know that many other sellers and struggled in that role.

One night after spending the night hanging out with his roommate Andrew was scene on video leaving the dorm and after that he just disappeared. When his body was located the police deemed it suicide but his family just didn't believe it. There were to many questions on how his body was found and what had happened to him when he went missing.


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