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Texas: Jasper and Houston

Amber's story:

It is hard to believe that lynching wasn't something that happened in the past. In 1998 in Jasper County, Texas for James Byrd Jr. he would experience first hand that it was still happening. On June 8, 1998 James was walking home when he accepted a ride from three men. Shawn Berry, Lawrence Brewer and John King, ended up taking James out into the country where they beat him and then drug him tied up to the bumper of their truck. This murder shocked the country in its brutality. The Byrd family started a foundation to help educate people on racial hate. The link is down below.

There is currently an Anti Lynching bill that is waiting to be passed. Please sign the petition to help let the Senate know that it shouldn't be stalled and that it should pass.


Celina's story:

This week Celina shared the story of Joe Torres, sadly it is story that could still happen today. When Joe Torres was arrested by the police, he was told that they were going to take him to the hospital. What occurred was the police instead murdered him. Did the police pay, yes one whole dollar. Just was not served in this case as in many case happening today.


Houston Undergrounds:


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